Last modified Friday August 14th, 2020 by Ragnar Sepp

Inner accounting regulation



Internal accounting regulation is a special document, which describes standards and rules of making accounting in a company. This document is obligatory for each Estonian company, according to the Accounting Act. We assist on organizing accounting process in the company and on creating Inner regulations according to legislation and prescriptions.


Our work.
    •  Analyzing your company and your business activity;
    •  Developing rules and standards of accounting;
    •  Composing the Accounting regulation and supporting documents;
    •  Developing instructions and algorithms (if needed);
    •  Providing general consulting on legal and accounting issues.

Our aim is to provide you with the essential business documentation, which is to be followed by employees, and thus to increase the value of your company. We do not recommend developing such a document only to fulfill the requirements of the law.


      1.  Inner accounting regulations are developed;
      2.  Supporting documents, instructions and algorithms are ready;
      3.  Your company accounting is kept in full accordance with legislation
      4.  You possess all actual information about accounting rules and prescriptions.

After all documents are ready, you might need some practice for your employees. In this case we can provide all necessary assistance.


Order of actions.
      1.  Write to us about your situation briefly.
      2.  We analyze your data and provide you with the concept.
      3.  Confirmation of the project and we start to work.
      4.  We develop Accounting regulations and supporting documents.
      5.  We provide practical training for your employees (if applicable).
      6.  If needed we amend Regulations.

The term: depends on company history, financial performance and business model. Normally, it takes 1-2 month of time.

Additional Services:
    • Company monthly accounting;
    • In-house lawyer service;
    • Annual service;
    • Assistance in opening bank or payment account;
    • Submitting TSD and KMD returns;
    • Submitting statistic reports;
    • Legal, tax- and business consulting;
    • Obtaining a license in Estonia.