Posted on Friday March 1st, 2019 by Ragnar Sepp

Event on evaluation of securities

Ragnar Sepp the managing partner of the law firm Org. Com. Juura took part in the event devoted to the evaluation of shares. The seminar entitled “Short course on stock evaluation” was organized by the main business publication of Estonia Äripäev (business statements).

Within the framework of the project “Investor Toomas” the business newspaper Äripäev provides an overview of different topics concerning investment in shares, bonds, certificates and other objects.

Ragnar Sepp shared the impression of the event:

Despite the fact that investing is not our main type of activity, we see that our partners show serious interest in this sphere. As in finding interesting opportunities for investment, so in attracting funds for the implementation of various projects.

Therefore, consulting in the field of investment will be the logical development of our company. First of all, such services will be demanded by e-Residents in the field of start-up. After all, the topic of attracting investment is particularly relevant. 

As for the event itself, it will be difficult to call it particularly useful. It was rather a debating club than a seminar on stock valuation.