Posted on Wednesday April 15th, 2020 by Ragnar Sepp

Only for big players

As you already know, legislative changes have been adopted to introduce some new rules on the market of crypto-currencies. The main purpose of these changes was to establish higher requirements for market participants, as well as to raise the demands for entry into the market.

In other words, only big companies with significant financial resources and developed infrastructure should stay. And companies that do not meet new requirements will actually be forced to go out of business at the market. Especially considering that less than 4 months were allocated to bring the action in line with the law.


Solutions and opportunities.

Thus, in this situation there are 3 main options to proceed with:

      1. Make additional investments with your own funds and bring the company’s work in line with the law.
      2. Enter into partnerships with other companies and jointly bring the activities of the common company in line with the law.
      3. Raise investment via crowdfunding platform. Then act according to the first option.



It must be understood, that an attempt to formally comply with the requirements of the law is likely to be a waste of time, effort and resources. In this situation, it is necessary to create a working business model, based on strict adherence to the licensing rules.


Our support.

Our company has developed a set of measures to apply changes in the most correct form and with minimal costs. In case of interest, we will be happy to consult in detail on all the particularities and develop a project in accordance with the specifics of your business model. Just contact us.