Posted on Saturday December 23rd, 2017 by Ragnar Sepp

Year Two Thousand Eighteen

Year 2017 has passed. There were a lot of challenges and events to remember. Law Company Org.Com. Juura makes traditional review of the last year and shares its plans for the future.

Business Cycle

We organize our business processes according to the Cycle, which is based on algorithms. That is why we grow without chaos. Every Cyce consists of 5 stages: planning, structure, team, action, analisys. And than we proceed from the very beginnig, over and over again. In the year 2017th the Cycle was aimed onto developing of international relations and improvement of inner structure. In the year 2018 it is planned to develope new projects, such as Latvian Company, e-Residency, Life Permits, Fin-Tech solutions and so on.


New Office.

Company office it is not just a place to work and provide services, it is a sort of a base to build business activity. Part of the home. In office we conduct important meetings, realize key-processes, bring to life our life goals and just have a good time together. Last year we moved to a new office in Tornimäe Business center. We are always happy to meet here our clients and partners.


New Site.

Our partners tell us often that they like our site, since it is user-friendly and provides important and interesting information about business activities in Estonia. So we decided to make a serious upgrade of our web-page. We do not want it to be a sort of one-page price-list or presentation. We want it to be a place where you can always find actual and correct data about every tiny aspect of doing business in Estonia. Major start is planned onto 2019th.



Legal sphere is a place where everythind is flowing and changing all the time. So providing legal services it is not only analisys of legislation – it is also networking and duscussion on major topics of everyday activity. Being involved is the key-point of legal practice. That is why we observe all events happening around us and try to participate in most of them. There is a calendar list of upcoming events which we will publish on our site to make it more simple for our partners to find an interesting event.


We wish you to plan a lot in upcoming year and then realize everything you planned.

Happy New Year!